Hysterical Media Headlines (Funny or Absurd) for September 22nd:

Hysterical Media Headlines (Funny or Absurd) for September 22nd: 

Bottom Line: Here are today's headlines brought to you by your friends in the generally Godless, soulless & slanderous news media: 

Excerpt: Graham-Cassidy isn't just a transfer of resources from Washington to the states. It's an assault on people who need help. 

This is an amazing moment of accidental truth that reveals what the leftists are really all about. It isn't just a transfer of resources from Washington to the states...Now whose resources are those that are seized by Washington? Where do we live (hint not in the District of Columbia - the irony is they aren't in a state)? Are programs more efficient when administered from the federal government or a state government? Now the truth comes out. If this passes there's less power in the federal government over you and your access to healthcare and that's supposed to be a bad thing? I mean why should your healthcare be between you and your doctor when it could be between federal bureaucrats, and insurance company and the medical service provider? 

Lol, so now we're supposed to believe that CNN is concerned with protecting Donald Trump's legacy. That's comedy. 

When will you stop attempting to spread hate against the very police who protect you and your family daily? 

The material here is amazing and wonderful in it's absurdity simultaneously. Once again, if you look at these through the prism of Donald Trump being President, and more elected Republicans serving in the United States since the 1920's... it's pretty hilarious! The air of desperation, advocacy and instructions for their people really do take themselves completely seriously! 

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