Top Three Takeaways – March 26th, 2021

Top Three Takeaways – March 26th, 2021

  1. Holy Crap. This is concerning. I could spend time commenting on the content and context of President Biden’s presser which was truly horrifying from the perspective of a constitutionalist. He made it crystal clear he’ll only selectively enforce US border policy and current immigration laws. He likewise articulated the desire for the end of the filibuster, called election integrity laws racist and lied at length tax policy, all while blaming all of life’s ills on Trump. To be crystal clear the guy has evolved into a radical leftist where there’s barely any distance between his words and Bernie Sanders’s espoused desires. I could also spend time dissecting how profoundly pathetic around half of the questions were. Instead, what I was most left with is how incredibly frail the man is. There were the lapses. There were times when I wondered if I missed something because of how he would be asked about one topic but would speak about something totally different and/or altogether misspeak. The bottom line is that the President of the United States is clearly struggling and we’re only talking about navigating a press conference with a friendly press corp. Because he’s the President and because I love this country, I found myself rooting for him just to put sentences together regardless of what he’d say. But needless to say, he projected anything but strength. And is it any wonder that NOKO & China reaffirmed a partnership earlier this week and that Kim Jung Un is back to being “Little Rocket Man”. What do you think their thoughts are while watching Joe Biden’s presser. Who do you think they’d rather have in the Oval office between Donald Trump and Joe Biden? And ask yourself, from our Southern Border to Communist China, is the United States more or less safe with Joe Biden as president?
  2. He’s clearly thriving. Contrast the President of the United States with our governor, Ron DeSantis. Is there any doubt in your mind that he could be a more effective leader of the country right now than the current President of the United States? Not only is Florida’s unemployment rate 31% below the national average, not only are Florida’s COVID cases lower than average since the start of the pandemic...he even completes his thoughts. Not only that, but even Democrat mega donor John Morgan recently told Politico “he won”...speaking of DeSantis. But why? Good policy. Some people are interested in winning elections and some people are interested in governing with good policy. I had a conversation this week in which I had to remind someone that it’s like a depression in over half of the country. Remember the peak of the Great Recession over a decade ago in Florida? That’s what the economy is like today in states like California and New York right. That could have been us had we gone with Gillum. DeSantis is clearly thriving because Florida is clearly thriving and that’s because of good policy.
  3. Teachable moment. What we’re living and witnessing is the ultimate teachable moment. We had an exceptional policy president in Donald Trump which brought about a record setting economy with record low unemployment rates and record high incomes. When faced with the worst pandemic in 102 years he struck private-public partnerships to create vaccines three years and three months faster than had ever happened in world history. But he Tweeted. And the same news media who sucks up to a president who can’t complete a thought hated him. And he was called a racist despite record prosperity for literally every minority group. So, we got rid of him. And what do we have? Holy crap to show for it. Policy not personality is what matters most. It’s also what should always be voted for. Let this be that teachable moment. Remember when Gillum almost won because of his personality and DeSantis’s awkwardness? Remember when we dumped Trump for dementia man over Tweets? Any questions?

Photo Credit: Getty Images

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