Trending – Brightline Says Three Of People Struck By Trains Were On Drugs

New information on a number of deaths involving Brightline trains.  The company that runs the rail line confirms that three of the people who were struck and killed by their trains had drugs in their systems at the time of their deaths.  Two of them happened within days of each other in Boynton Beach back in January.  A Brightline spokesperson says this is part of “a larger and national conversation around mental health and drug addiction, while Brightline remains steadfast in its mission on raising awareness about rail safety through engineering, education and enforcement.”  City officials say people were caught using drugs on the FEC tracks during the first week that Brightline was running.  Since the service began, at least five people have been hit and killed on the tracks in Palm Beach County.  Boynton Beach and other cities have been posting signs warning drivers not to try and beat the trains.

Photo by: CBS12

BOYNTON BEACH, Fla. (CBS12) — New details have emerged about several deaths on Brightline tracks.

The company confirmed Wednesday that three people who were accidentally hit and killed by Brightline trains had drugs in their systems at the time of their deaths.

Two happened within days of each other in Boynton Beach back in January.

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