Q&A – The Democrats Who Attempted To Remove Trump’s Secret Service Detail

Q&A of the Day – The Democrats Who Attempted To Remove Donald Trump’s Secret Service Protection 

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Today’s Entry: @brianmuddradio Is it true that DEMS tried to remove Trump’s Secret Service Detail?  

Bottom Line: Yes, it’s true that there has been and technically still is an active effort to remove former President Donald Trump’s Secret Service Protection. The bill entitled: Denying Infinite Security and Government Resources Allocated toward Convicted and Extremely Dishonorable Former Protectees Act was introduced on April 19th by nine House Democrats and most recently is sitting in the House Judiciary Committee awaiting a first hearing, which almost certainly won't take place in the current Congress due to the slim Republican control of the House of Representatives. As for the bill itself this is the summary:  

  • A BILL To terminate United States Secret Service protection for felons. 

The bill is actually the shortest I’ve seen introduced in Congress as it’s not even two full pages in length with the bill’s text covering only six lines. This is the full text: 

SEC. 2. DENYING CERTAIN FELONS SECRET SERVICE PROTECTION. 3 Section 3056(a) of title 18, United States Code, is amended by striking ‘‘declined.’’ and inserting ‘‘declined. The protection authorized in paragraphs (1) through (8) shall terminate for any person upon sentencing following conviction for a Federal or State offense that is punishable for a term of imprisonment of at least one year.’’ 

Notably the bill’s text states that Secret Service protection would be removed for any federal or state offense that is punishable for a term of imprisonment of at least one year. It does not state that the individual would have to be sentenced to a prison term of a year or more. In other words, if the congressional Democrats who introduced this bill had it their way Donald Trump would have been stripped of his Secret Service protection following the jury’s decision in the New York state criminal case. The sponsor and co-sponsors of this legislation were: 

  • Bennie Thompson of Mississippi (sponsor) 
  • Barbara Lee of California 
  • Troy Carter of Louisiana 
  • Frederica Wilson of Florida 
  • Yvette Clarke of New York 
  • Bonnie Watson of New Jersey 
  • Jasmine Crockett of Texas 
  • Joyce Beatty of Ohio  
  • Steve Cohen of Tennessee 

Had these nine Democrats had their way with their proposed legislation just imagine where we might be today. They should all be held to account for their recent efforts to make the former and likely future President of the United States as vulnerable as possible for assassination. While every one of these nine Democrats put out social media statements condemning the attempted assassination their actions leading up to the attack were revealing. Speaking of revealing, so too was the social media statement made by a staffer of the bill’s sponsor Bennie Thompson.  

In a quickly deleted Facebook post following the assassination attempt Saturday night Thompson’s (now former) field director, Jacqueline Marsaw, said this: I don't condone violence but please get you some shooting lessons so you don't miss next time ooops that wasn't me talking

How coincidental is it that the field director for the bill’s sponsor posted a comment lamenting the unsuccessful assassination attempt of Donald Trump shortly after it had taken place? How does that speak to the mindset of Bennie Thompson that he hired a person of that mindset as a top staffer? But also, what are the odds that she simply said publicly, what many more – including perhaps her boss were thinking privately? After all, what exactly was the intent of introducing a bill in April specifically designed to strip Donald Trump of his Secret Service protection?  

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