RFK Jr. Is Right HHS is a Mess – Top 3 Takeaways – January 30th, 2025

RFK Jr. Is Right HHS is a Mess – Top 3 Takeaways – January 30th, 2025 

  1. RFK Jr. is right. Wednesday was RFK Jr.’s first day to go before a senate committee to take a beating, I mean to have hearing (he has another to go today), as part of the confirmation process. I was particularly interested in this one not because it was RFK, or because it was big news during the day, but because of the many federal government agencies that fail to serve our interests perhaps none is more corrupt than this one. Health and Human Services. By now you’re well aware of how this agency and its various bodies, like the National Institutes of Health and CDC, abused taxpayer money and literally funded the Wuhan, China lab where COVID-19 was almost certainly born. By now you’re well aware that the NIH and CDC then lied to us, first about any connections to the Wuhan lab and then about the origins of COVID-19. By now you’re well aware that the NIH, FDA and CDC then lied to us about COVID-19 vaccines. First about efficacy and then about the side effects associated with them. Actually, I’ll circle back to that last one since some may not actually know the extent of the side effects associated with COVID-19 vaccines and that’s important to know since they’re still being peddled as safe and effective treatments. Here’s a quick refresh from what my research revealed nearly two years ago: Data from Florida’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System has shown COVID-19 vaccines, during the first two years of use, have been 425% less safe than your average other vaccination of any kind in causing adverse medical reactions and a staggering 1,100% less safe than the average other vaccine in causing life threatening reactions in the Floridians who’ve received them. So, if you didn’t know, now you do and you can always refer to my COVID-19 Vaccine Bombshells story for more. But again, those are all subjects that you’ve heard about before. And while they illustrate just how incredibly important it is to meaningfully reform the Department of Health and Human Services...it’s actually just scratching the surface.  
  2. You need look no further than what you eat. One of the many important areas where RFK Jr. is exactly right – is with the American food supply and the many lies about what it is that we should eat. I promise I’m not going to lecture you about what you eat. But just as RFK Jr. has said “you should know what it is that you’re eating”. In some instances that means transparency regarding what’s really in processed foods. How many billions of McDonalds burgers had been eaten, for example, before the 2011 “pink slime” controversy that led to McDonalds choosing to do things differently than they had been with the chemically infused meat byproduct they’d been serving? But then again no one ever pounded a Mikey D’s burger with they though that they were eating something healthy. That’s where the biggest scam of all comes into play within our food supply and even recommendations by organizations like the FDA and USDA. For example, did you know that all processed meats are carcinogenic? Did you also know that beef, lamb and pork are carcinogenetic too? Yet take a look at what’s recommended and available as part lunches in our schools. Maybe that’s why over 1.7 million Americans contract cancer, with over 600,000 who die of cancer every year? Did you know that 1 in 25 packages of chicken at grocery stores contain Salmonella? Did you know that’s considered acceptable? That sure helps explain why 1.4 million Americans become sick with Salmonella poisoning and 420 die from it each year. And again, this isn’t a food lecture, my point is this... 
  3. What you were told and at times even recommended by these agencies commonly conflicts with what’s actually healthy. And why is this the case? Lobbying by food producers. Did you know that the original food pyramid, for example, was exposed to have been established at the behest of the food industry lobby? That’s why the food pyramid you grew up with isn’t something you see today. The FDA pulled the so-called Eating Right Pyramid in 1991 when it was exposed as part of a pay-for-play scheme. The original food pyramid may be gone but those practices are still in place today. I’m particularly passionate about this topic because of what I’ve studied (both personally and professionally as a founder of a health food company), what I’ve seen, and even the impact on my family. Yet the problem with our food supply only continues to get worse. There’s no such thing as healthy ultra-processed food (some processed foods based upon what they are and how they’re processed can still be healthy). Did you know that in 2018, 60% of our food supply was ultra processed yet today it’s up to 73%? When 73% of the food we eat isn’t healthy what’s the likely outcome going to be? And most people don’t even know. For example, even most lunch meats including those thought to be healthy, are ultra processed but most people don’t know. Our health agencies have a long history of not serving our health interests. It wasn’t just what happened with COVID-19. That’s why when RFK Jr. says that he’s not interested in telling you what you should eat, but that you should know what it is you’re eating, for example, he’s right. These agencies are bloated, commonly conflicted and often ineffective. In RFK Jr.’s opening statement he said: Should I be so privileged as to be confirmed we will make sure our tax dollars support healthy foods, we will scrutinize the chemical additives in our food supply, we will remove financial conflicts of interests from our agencies, we will create an honest, unbiased, gold-standard science at HHS accountable to the president, to Congress and to the American people, we will reverse the chronic disease epidemic and put the nation back on the road to good health. He’s absolutely right about those issues and the need to address all of those things. Up to this point you could follow the guidance of HHS’ agencies and end up diseased. The food that we eat every day is more important than even the debate about vaccines... Which RFK Jr. also addressed by saying that he’s vaccinated, his children are vaccinated and that he’s not inherently an anti-vaxxer. He’s anti certain vaccines. And being discerning, as we’ve come to learn, is probably a good thing.  

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