The Brian Mudd Show

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The Weird World of Florida Politics & Even Weirder Education

Photo: Getty Images

The Weird World of Florida Politics & Even Weirder Education - Top 3 Takeaways – July 15th, 2022 

  1. The world is weird. You already knew that. Here’s the latest example of how. Governor DeSantis is currently running for reelection in an election which takes place in under four months. New DeSantis political polling came out yesterday. So about now you’re wondering what’s weird here? It wasn’t in Florida. It was a statewide poll in Nevada, polling him head-to-head against Biden in 2024. There’s a lot in our world that’s weird, but being only a few months away from a key election in Florida and having more polling taking place with our governor out of our state than in it, is a new wrinkle. And by the way... Expect more of this to continue. The result in that particular Nevada poll, which was a state Joe Biden won two years ago, showed DeSantis leading Biden by five points. And that’s with about a third of that state not even being familiar with him. There’s nothing more the political left, which includes most news media, would like more than an MTV style Celebrity Deathmatch between DeSantis and Trump starting next year. So yes, it’s possible and perhaps even likely, that we’ll have more polling for a hypothetical match-up that will probably never happen and is over two years away even if it did, then we’ll have for an actual matchup that’s only a few months away. The world is weird, our governor is good, our president is not, and the left still has Trump derangement syndrome. This is the byproduct of it. The goal of the left and their allies in news media is two-fold. Use polls to convince Biden not to run again because he’d be waxed and bait DeSantis into a run against Trump in a celebrity deathmatch. If you’re wondering why in the world there would be polling on DeSantis vs. Biden in Nevada in July of 2022 that is why. Remember people actually have to pay for these polls to be conducted. Who would spend good money asking stuff like that now if it's not exactly as I’ve said.  
  2. Keep your eyes open. It was about this time last year I was exposing Florida’s 69 teachers who’d literally signed a pledge to violate state law by teaching Critical Race Theory. At the time I was warning parents that just because the Florida Board of Education banned teaching the tenants of it, didn’t mean activist teachers under complicit school boards wouldn’t try. If we’ve learned anything during the course of the pandemic regarding public education, it should be the lengths the teachers' unions will go to achieve their increasingly radical agenda. This includes the numerous failed efforts to sue the state to keep schools closed and the absolute lawlessness of the 12 School Districts – including South Florida’s, in directly violating Florida law by mandating masks without parental opt-outs. With over 70% of Florida’s public school teachers being members of a teachers’ union, let's be clear. Most teachers have visibility fought against the best interests of our kids. And this has been scientifically proven. South Florida’s school districts have literally broken the law which required a legal process to force compliance. We have to keep our eyes open with what’s happening at school board meetings, within school districts and within the classrooms themselves. It’s unfortunate we can’t trust our education establishment to abide by the law and serve the best interests of our kids, but the facts are the facts. And the reason I’m specifically mentioning this today is because of this... News that... 
  3. Gender identity material has been taught to young children in at least one public school in the state – and post Florida’s Parental Rights in Education law having been signed. A Gainesville public school affiliated with the University of Florida taught a sexual education course to 6th graders which removed genders in reference to anatomy and among other lessons included in this material to which students were tested: Most people who have biological male reproductive parts are boys and most people who have biological female reproductive parts are girls, but sometimes people can have reproductive parts that don’t match who they are. Yes, our tax dollars at work teaching young children that girls can have a penis and boys can have a vagina. And testing them to answer accordingly. The program was replete with the teaching of what non-binary, genderqueer, pansexual and aromantic (which by the way did you know they have their own flag too?) conditions happen to be. And how was this finally exposed? One parent. One parent who was paying attention and has now come forward. Keep your eyes open. Long gone are the days where we can simply turn our kids over to their schools and expect their best interests or even the law to be followed. It remains as important as ever to be in touch with our children’s education. Florida’s laws don’t protect our kids from educators who choose to break them. Keep your eyes open to what’s happening in the classroom.  

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