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What Happens When Criminals Take Over & Juneteenth - Top 3 Takeaways

What Happens When Criminals Take Over & Juneteenth - Top 3 Takeaways – June 19th, 2024     

  1. Lawless. As expected on Tuesday President Biden did what he lacks constitutional authority to do...use executive action to turn illegal immigrants into potentially legal citizens. The Parole in Place program was announced on the 12th anniversary of another illegal, illegal immigration program DACA, similarly created through unconstitutional use of executive action. And DACA is an important place to start. Did you know that DACA has been found to be unconstitutional? Did you know that the program was struck down in the federal courts? Did you know that so-called DACA recipients retain no lawful federal status within this country? But that’s the case. And what that ensures is that President Biden’s successor program to DACA, Parole in Place, is equally unconstitutional. Biden’s new executive order is said to immediately “shield” 550,000 illegal immigrants from deportation with a total of 1.1 million estimated illegal immigrants potentially impacted by the policy. Under the executive order those who’ve lived, unlawfully mind you, for a minimum of ten years within the United States and who’ve married a legal citizen, and their children, regardless of legal status, are to be granted legal status to live and work in the US for three-years while they apply for lawful permanent status. The Department of Homeland Security is to work on a case-by-case basis to facilitate this with those seeking to participate. Quoting DHS: Today’s actions build on unprecedented steps by the Biden-Harris Administration to strengthen family unity including by implementing family reunification parole processes for nationals of Colombia, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Ecuador; updating and modernizing the Cuban and Haitian family reunification parole processes; leading the Family Reunification Task Force to reunify nearly 800 children with their families who were separated; and establishing country-specific parole processes for certain nationals of Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua, and Venezuela (CHNV) who have a U.S.-based supporter. That’s one way of looking at it.  
  2. Here’s another. According to the Federation for American Immigration Reform: Through this sweeping executive action, which has no grounding in federal law, the President is illegally claiming the power to bypass Congress’ plenary authority over immigration policy in pursuit of a political goal as the president faces reelection. Today’s action – designed to shore-up the president’s far-left political base – includes tangible and enduring benefits for illegal aliens. It is not simply a decision to defer removal proceedings. It is an immigration benefits program that gives illegal aliens a reprieve from deportation and allows them to apply for work authorization, Social Security numbers, Obamacare and green cards. It also makes them “qualified aliens” under federal law, which means that in a few short years they will be eligible for Medicaid, food stamps and a plethora of federal means-tested benefits. To make matters worse, by granting these aliens parole-in-place, they will jump to the front of the line, ahead of aliens legally applying for green cards. The policy isn’t just lawless. As is illustrated by FAIR it’s just plain wrong. Rewarding those who break the law at the expense of those who go about it the right way. It’s not the American way but that’s the (anti-American) Biden administration way.  
  3. Juneteenth. The date was June 19th, 1865. The story of Juneteenth is a worthy one for all Americans to know. A story of how the Emancipation Proclamation freeing all Blacks from slavery was signed by President Abraham Lincoln in 1862, however the Civil War would have to be fought for nearly another three years before a single Black person would be freed. A story about how even after the Confederacy surrendered to the Union on April 9th, 1865, it wasn’t until June 19th, over 70 days later, that all Blacks were freed when a military order was received in Galveston, Texas. Real history teaches us that freedom isn’t free. 110,100 Union soldiers had to die fighting the Confederacy to free the slaves, or else President Lincoln’s Proclamation wouldn’t have mattered. History teaches us that even when the war is won the truth must still be told or else freedom can still be taken away. History teaches us that we’re a country of heroes who’ve fought and died and been relentless in the desire to right wrongs. It is not possible to recognize Juneteenth while asserting that the United States of America is systemically racist. The term systemic means “applying to the entirety of a thing”. The Confederacy was systemically racist. The Union, the United States, literally defeated it in this country. That’s real American history. Juneteenth is a recognition of the legal end of slavery. Similar to today the risk to the country came from within. It was a battle of left and right. Right and wrong. Juneteenth exists because Republicans successfully defeated Democrats on the battlefield to provide freedom for slaves and to begin to right the wrongs of racists. There are two sides to stories and one side to facts. Those are the facts. History, real history, is anything but politically correct and freedom will never be free. It’s important to learn it and to share it lest we repeat it – which, when you look at the treatment of Jews in our society currently, is a reminder about how quickly it can happen.  

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