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Florida House District 85 has moved into the Treasure Coast and that leaves the current representative running for the new District 94 in Palm Beach County.
Republican Rick Roth is seeking a fourth and final term.
"We're gonna make affordable housing the Number 1 issue in the Legislature this next year if I get reelected. We are gonna increase the amount of money for affordable housing and decrease the money for resilient sea level rise. That is a 50 years into the future problem."
He also talks about the property insurance crisis and some ideas to help fix it.
Democrat Terence "T.D." Davis is a former Riviera Beach City Councilman who says the crisis started years ago.
"When you look at insurance rates, they calculate the school grades, they calculate the crime rate. If you're going to fund schools, you must fund education fully. If you're gonna fund housing, fund it fully. If everyone is working and everyone is happy, we will have less crime, more affordable housing in our neighborhoods. We'll have less traffic so our insurance rates will go down."
Other platforms of Davis' campaign include "fighting for women's equality and rights."