Joel Malkin

Joel Malkin

I've spent more than 30 years on the radio in Palm Beach County, starting as a deejay in the late 1980s. Over the years, I became a news...Full Bio


PBC Elex Supervisor: Commission Formed Due To Pres. Trump's "Ego Statement"


Friday was the initial deadline for all states to provide voter information to President Trump's Commission on Election Integrity, but that's on hold in the wake of a lawsuit. 

Meanwhile, Palm Beach County Elections Supervisor Susan Bucher tells us that voters have been calling her office, concerned about their privacy rights.  Bucher confirms that she did get dozens of calls per day last week, many asking to be unregistered.

"A lot of people were concerned and once we explained to them the law, and the fact of the matter is 'If I take you off the voter rolls right now it doesn't go away from the Internet.' "

She says they didn't understand that the information the Secretary of State plans to provide to the commission is already public.  Bucher says to her knowledge nobody has been unregistered.  

The head of local elecitons wants to further limit the amount of information on public record, with concerns over potential I.D. theft.

The President says the commission was formed to investigate alleged voter fraud during the 2016 election, but Bucher says it's unnecessary.

"We don't have any fraud going on here, nor do I think that exists anywhere in the United States.  I think the commission was established as justification for a comment that the current President made.  And I don't believe that our voters should suffer for somebody's ego statement."

She's referring to Trump's tweet that he won the popular vote if you deduct the quote "millions of people who voted illegally." 

Bucher and other election supervisors around the state have been trying to get the Legislature to change what information candidates can get from voters. 

Photo: AFP

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