Joel Malkin

Joel Malkin

I've spent more than 30 years on the radio in Palm Beach County, starting as a deejay in the late 1980s. Over the years, I became a news...Full Bio


DCF Investigates Death Of 8 Year Old Who Took "Hot Water Challenge"

Ki'ari Pope

An investigation is underway centered on the death of an eight year old Boynton Beach girl, more than four months after she drank boiling water from a small plastic pipe on a dare.  

Kiari Pope died on Sunday, shortly after telling her mother's boyfriend that she was having trouble breathing, then going unconscious.  

The Department of Children and Families immediately began investigating because of previous reports of potential abuse or neglect involving this girl.  

DCF, back in March, found that she suffered burns to her mouth and throat.  Officials and family members say the girl was watching YouTube videos of people taking what's known as "The Hot Water Challenge," when her cousin dared her to do it, and she did.  

DCF has received several reports involving Pope's family since her birth, including four just this year.

A GoFundMe page has been set up to help pay for her funeral.

Photo: Yolanda Johnson/GoFundMe

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