For "Protecting the Palm Beaches" we check in with Palm Springs Police Chief Tom Ceccarelli who has advice for residents of the village.
"If people could just lock their doors. Most of the crimes we have with auto burglaries are unlocked vehicles. And what happens is, people just walk through neighborhoods and they'll just try door handles and if it's locked, they don't go in. But they'll try every door handle. If they get an unlocked one, they rummage through the car and take whatever they can, they move on."
What's being stolen is of big concern for the chief.
"I can't tell you how many times we've had firearms stolen from vehicles. Most of the time they were unlocked and the firearm gets stolen. Now we have a firearm on the street that we really don't need out there either. And a lot of the time these people forget the firearm is in the car. So, I really would try and stress to people, 'don't leave a firearm in your vehicle and lock your vehicle up whenever you leave it unattended."
Image: Tetra images RF