Tow to Go from AAA and Budweiser will be in effect Friday night through Tuesday, Sept. 5 at 6 a.m. for Labor Day Weekend.
If you or someone you know has too much to drink and don't have a designated driver, take advantage of a free ride and tow home for your car, within a ten mile radius.
Keep this number handy: (855) 2-TOW-2-GO or (855) 286-9246
Here are more details from AAA:
- Free confidential ride available to AAA Members and non-members
- The AAA tow truck transports the vehicle and driver home or somewhere safe within 10 miles
- Tow to Go is provided in Florida, Georgia, Tennessee, Nebraska, Iowa, and in part of North Dakota and Indiana (South Bend and Ft. Wayne only)
- Tow trucks can usually transport up to two people. If there are more people in your party, you will need to make other arrangements to get them home safely.
- You can’t make an appointment to use Tow to Go. It is designed as a safety net for those that did not plan ahead. Always choose a Designated Driver before you have your first drink.
- In some situations, AAA may need to make other arrangements to get an impaired individual a safe ride home.
- Tow to Go may not be available in rural areas or during severe weather conditions.
Photo: Getty Images