Joel Malkin

Joel Malkin

I've spent more than 30 years on the radio in Palm Beach County, starting as a deejay in the late 1980s. Over the years, I became a news...Full Bio


Palm Beach Gardens: Vegetation Debris Pick-Up Could Take A Month Or More

The City of Palm Beach Gardens appears to have come out of Hurricane Irma in decent shape, though like in many other local municipalities, debris piles are still all over the place.

"All neighborhoods are getting picked up and cleared as quickly as possible, but it's a large task and we are expecting it to reach out of a month or maybe even more."

City Council Member Carl Woods shared information from an update by the city manager.  He says you can get an update from the city's website.

"We specifically put what neighborhoods we are working on currently.  So if you want to know when and where we are...when we're going to get to your neighrood, you can go to our website and you'll know exactly where you're at."

He says the trucks are out there.

"We're being aggressively as possible to get the debris out of the streets and off the, basically at this point, the swales and the lawns, because the piles aren't small.  They're huge piles."

Woods says this is an expensive clean-up.

"This hurricane just in debris clean-up is probably going to run us somewhere around $2.4 million."

But, he says the city is in excellent financial shape to handle the task.

"We have almost $24 million in reserves so that won't affect our taxpayers whatsoever.  This is just part of the city doing its business to make sure we get back in order as quickly as possible."

Most of the damage in Palm Beach Gardens consisted of fallen trees andsome fences down. 

Click Here to access the city's debris pick-up map.

Image: City of Palm Beach Gardens seal

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