Joel Malkin

Joel Malkin

I've spent more than 30 years on the radio in Palm Beach County, starting as a deejay in the late 1980s. Over the years, I became a news...Full Bio


LISTEN: FEMA Spokesman Says Apply For Grants Even For Minor Damage

The Federal Emergency Management Agency is here in Palm Beach County. 

Last week, they opened one FEMA Disaster Recovery Center in Boynton Beach and public information officer Nate Custer tells us more will be opening in the coming weeks. 

He says homeowners who have received damage to their property can apply for a grant online, but they may feel the need to head to the center.

"The disaster recovery center is where you can go and talk to someone from FEMA face to face, get your questions answered.  Sometimes the process of applying for a FEMA grant can be overwhelming for some people."

Custer urges anyone who received damage from Hurricane Irma to contact his agency.

'You can have relatively minor damage, if you don't have insurance to cover it on a case-by case basis you could get a grant to help with the repair of that damage.  It's not limited to any socio-economic group.  The aid is there for everyone to be considered and to have FEMA take a look at their situation."

He says even those with insurance should register because they could be underinsured and the FEMA grant would kick in after their claims have been settled. 

Nate says the Small Business Administration is also set up at the disaster recovery centers. 

"A lot of people don't realize that while business is part of that agency's name, in a case like a disaster declaration here in these many Florida counties, they can do low-interest disaster recovery loans to homeowners and renters, as well as businesses."

Location of PBC's FEMA Disaster Recovery Center:

Carolyn Sims Center

225 NW 12th. Ave.

Boynton Beach FL 33435

Monday - Sunday, 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

Photo: AFP

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