Jupiter Police Chief Frank Kitzerow puts out a warning to residents and business owners in the town to lock their car doors and be careful not to leave behind anything valuable, whether that be in a monetary sense or when it comes to Identity theft.
"It never ceases to amaze me the stuff that people leave in their cars. You get guns, laptops, wallets. The most unique one was we had a person that had their birth certificate in the car, because it links directly to identity theft now. That's really what they're looking for...those things that have your name and information that they can sell on the market so that people can use them to commit cyber crimes."
The chief offers this up when it comes to scams that are often targeting your personal information.
"Always be on guard. If something sounds too good to be true, it's probably too good to be true. So don't be giving out your name or information. We have a number of different programs and tips that we can provide people if they want to reach out to us here at the Jupiter P.D."
Photo: Tetra images RF