While you're at Palm Beach County's malls finishing up your holiday shopping, you may notice some items that you'd like to buy for your self. Three words for you: Don't Do It!
There are some items that you should pass on until after Christmas, that is if you're not purchasing them as a Christmas gift for someone else of course.
Here are the things you should wait to buy, according to DealNews.com:
New Cars - Dealerships will usually offer the best prices of the year on vehicles as we approach January 1 in a tax-savings move. All you have to know is that the later it gets in December, the better your deal on a brand new car gets.
Electronics - The Consumer Electronics Show is in January, and that's when the top brands show off their newest tech. That means the older tech, which isn't that old after all, will be discounted by mid-January. So, look for things like smart home appliances and Virtual Reality headsets at lower prices in the new year.
Sports and Fitness Gear - We all know that the most popular New Year's resolution is to lose weight and that's why you'll notice deep discounts on workout clothes and fitness items soon after Christmas.
Clothing - A lot of after-Christmas sales include apparel and some stores last year sold at as low as 90% off.
Video Games - Because so many people purchase new video game consoles and games to go along with those consoles at Christmastime, the games that are used with the older systems usually go on sale after Christmas.
Click Here for more items you should wait to buy.