Joel Malkin

Joel Malkin

I've spent more than 30 years on the radio in Palm Beach County, starting as a deejay in the late 1980s. Over the years, I became a news...Full Bio


Video Captured Of Malfunctioning Tri Rail Gates In West Palm Beach

Railroad Tracks

A local woman shot video of malfunctioning gates on the Tri-Rail tracks in the middle of rush hour.  

Debra Bornstein was stopped at the crossing along Forest Hill Boulevard when she got a green light as the gates were open, with a train approaching the intersection.  A number of cars started crossing the tracks.  

Tri-Rail fixed the problem after our CBS 12 partners reached out about the incident.  A spokesperson with the rail line says the gates malfunction frequently.  

Officials with Tri-Rail say the conductor eventually followed protocol by releasing flares on the tracks. 

They say conductors are supposed to approach at a walking speed when the gates malfunction.  

Tri-Rail wants any drivers noticing a gate malfunctioning to call the number listed at all of the crossings.

Click Here to watch the video shot by Bornstein.

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