While the Fourth of July is a fun time for us humans, it may not be the same for our pets.
We've all heard that dogs often get spooked by fireworks and the folks at Palm Beach County Animal Care and Control share some tips to protect your pet during the holiday.
"You want to make sure you're keeping them indoors. Make sure they also have a collar and a tag. July 5th, we have more intakes from lost pets being spooked by fireworks than any other day of the year."
Elizabeth Harfmann tells us the dogs that wind up lost are usually the ones that run out when the front door is left open or when residents are having guests over for Independence Day, keeping the pets outside with them and a fireworks display scares them away.
And, she says it's not just the fireworks, but big gatherings at home. So, you want to take some steps to make your pet comfortable...and keep them inside.
"The best thing, if you're having a party or you're having people over...if you've got a nice quiet place you can keep the dog, just while that's going on. Or if you keep your dogs crated when you're not home. Kind of create a fake den for them during that time."
Harfmann also says to make sure your pet has an I.D. tag on in case he or she runs off. And if your animal is not micro-chipped, and winds up with Animal Control...
"We will ask for proof of ownership, so if you've got vet records or a photo of you and your pet, just to verify that it is in fact your pet...we are going to ask you for that kind of information."
She adds that there can be fees involved with getting your pet back as well.