If you want to get some exercise this weekend while helping members of our local sealife, Loggerhead Marinelife Center is holding its annual "Run 4 The Sea" on Saturday, along A1A in Juno Beach.
"It's a wonderful seaside run, or walk. For those that might not want to run, like me, we can run or walk in support of the great sea turtle and ocean conservation education we do at our campus each year."
Lighton says the four mile race, which also includes a one-mile kids' fun run or walk, raises money for Loggerhead's Sea Turtle Hospital.
WHAT: Loggerhead Marinelife Center’s Eighth Annual Run 4 The Sea benefit race, presented by Downtown at the Gardens, includes a four-mile run/walkfor adults starting at7 a.m. and a one-mile kids’ fun run/walk starting at 8:15 a.m. There is also a Virtual Runoption. After the race, guests can attend a complimentary breakfast, shop in the vendor village, enjoy kids’ activities and music, as well as the race awards event in Loggerhead Park. Awards will be presented to the top overall male and female, master male and female, and top three male and female in 13 age groups. More information at marinelife.org/run.
WHEN: Saturday, June 15
Four-mile race begins at 7 am, followed by the kids fun run at 8:15 am.
WHERE: Loggerhead Park and A1A (Just behind the center)
14200 U.S. Highway One, Juno Beach, FL 33408
Click Here for details.
Sunday is World Sea Turtle Day, meant to highlight the importance of the turtles.
The Sea Turtle Conservancy suggests using the day to honor the turtles by cleaning up a beach and spreading the word about #WorldSeaTurtleDay on social media.
Florida's beaches will be home to millions of nests by the time Sea Turtle Nesting Season is over, but experts say not many will mature fully.
"The natural odds of survival are very very low. Unfortunately, as part of the natural cycle, only about one in 1,000 sea turtle hatchlings will make it to reproductive adulthood."
Jack Lighton, President and CEO of Loggerhead Marinelife Center in Juno Beach says it takes 20 to 30 years for a sea turtle to become a reproducing adult.
One such adult male green sea turtle washed up this week on a beach near Loggerhead. It had died after becoming entangled in fishing line.
Still, Lighton says it's expected to be a big year for the hatchlings.
"We're very very excited about this year because we believe that we, across the state, will observe upcycles for all three species."
That means the Loggerheads, Leatherbacks and Green Sea Turtles are all expected to make a larger than normal number of nests on our beaches.
He says beachfront residents should be keeping their outdoor lights off at night and beachgoers should be mindful of the turtles and their nests.
"In the summertime we like to work to help everyone understand the importance of dark, clean beaches. It's great for the environment. It's great for the sea turtles, but it's also really important for Florida's tourism-based economy."
Jack says this is the peak of nesting season for some sea turtles, like the loggerheads and the leatherbacks.
Photo: Getty Images