Joel Malkin

Joel Malkin

I've spent more than 30 years on the radio in Palm Beach County, starting as a deejay in the late 1980s. Over the years, I became a news...Full Bio


A Monument Like This Will Soon Be In West Palm Beach. Here's How

A Gold Star daughter from Palm Beach County is thanking the community for their assistance in making the Palm Beach County Gold Star Families Memorial Monument a reality.

Lauren Berkson says the structure will be unveiled in September at Trinity Park in West Palm Beach.

"Everybody coming together, which I call Gold Star love, where you're willing to do something for someone just because it's the right thing to do. We were able to raise all of the funds by the time we did the groundbreaking in February."

But, donations are still needed, this time for the nonprofit "Friends of Veterans", which is helping Lauren put up memorial markers around the county.

There's already a memorial marker in Lake Park and she's hopeful that North Palm Beach will have one up by Veterans Day. Attempts are also underway to get a marker posted in Palm Beach Gardens.

Berkson's father died while fighting for our freedom in Vietnam.

As for the monuments, she says there are already some on display in Tampa and Port St. Lucie.

There have been groundbreaking ceremonies for the monument that will go up in West Palm Beach, as well as ones in the works for Gainesville and Pensacola. Also monuments are being planned for Melbourne, Miami and Orlando.

The monuments are being placed with the help of the Hershel "Woody" Williams Foundation. Woody, a Marine veteran, is the last living Medal of Honor recipient from Iwo Jima.

Berkson says he shows up at the dedication ceremonies of the monuments and will be at the one in West Palm Beach on September 25.

"The recognition that we all wish for and we're all gratetful that even our local community..the support that they have given, that means so much to us."

She says it's all about being recognized, because when a soldier pays the ultimate price in battle, their families also sacrifice.

"I want everyone to have gratitude for Gold Star families, for veterans, for everyone who selflessly makes a difference so we can live in the best country in the world."

Click Here for more on the efforts to put up the Palm Beach County Gold Star Families Memorial Monument.

Photo: Hershel "Woody" Williams Medal of Honor Foundation

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