Joel Malkin

Joel Malkin

I've spent more than 30 years on the radio in Palm Beach County, starting as a deejay in the late 1980s. Over the years, I became a news...Full Bio


Aaron Vaughn Memorial Frogman Swim, With Newly Added Runs, In Jensen Beach

An annual event that raises money to send the children of fallen soldiers to camp is back in Jensen Beach this weekend.

The Aaron Vaughn Memorial Frogman Swim and Run is tomorrow (Sat) at Jensen Beach Park.

It's named in honor of a local Navy Seal, killed in action in Afghanistan back in 2011. The chopper he was riding in was shot down in Afghanistan.

Aaron's mother, Karen Vaughn explains why the non-profit Operation 300 was formed.

"His widow kept saying over and over again, 'Who's going to teach my children to do the things their father would have helped them to do?' That's where the inception of Operation 300 came from."

She says the event has become extremely popular over the years and this one is the eighth annual.

"We usually have between 2-and 3 thousand people that come out to watch this event. We have swimmers that come from across the country to do this swim with us, and now runners coming from across the country to do the 5 (K) and 10 K run."

Karen Vaughn says Aaron used to surf off Jensen Beach when he was a teenager. She calls it "his beach."

Click Here for more details on the 8th Annual Aaron Vaughn Memorial Frogman Swim & Run.

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