There are a lot of walks, runs and races for may different non-profits in Palm Beach County year round, but the Mission Chair of this weekend's Walk to End Alzheimer's says this particular cause is something we should be paying attention to.
"Here just in South Florida, we have over 500,000 people that are living with Alzheimer's. It's the sixth leading cause of death in the United States."
Katie Prince lost her mother to Alzheimer's Disease four years ago at the age of 67. Pam Prince suffered from the illness for ten years, but Katie says they caught it late. Early signs were ignored.
"My mom was in her late 50's and she'd be calling me, you know asking some questions that seemed off at the time but we really didn't put two and two together."
She wants to bring more awareness to Alzheimer's and help us know the signs to look for in our parents, before it's too late.
Saturday's walk begins at 9 a.m. at the Meyer Amphitheater in West Palm Beach. Signup starts at 7:30 a.m.
Click Here for more details on the walk.
Click Here to learn the 10 Early Signs & Symptoms of Alzheimer's Disease.