At this point you should have ID protection service - SunTrust breech

At this point you should have ID protection service, whether you're paying for it or not  

Bottom Line: Last year's Equifax debacle left essentially half of adults (143 million) exposed to potential impropriety due to systemic failures to protect the data of people they'd provided ratings on for credit reporting purposes. In an effort to help you identify and deal with any ID theft attempts against you they made TrustedID, a top three ID theft protection service (ranks #3 on my list behind Lifelock & Identity Guard) available for free to all who were compromised. That means that about half of the country should be taking advantage of that service if they didn't already have protection. If you don't have an ID theft protection service and you're a SunTrust customer – there's good news and bad. The bad news is that a former employee tried to steal customer data. The good news is more free ID theft protection for all...(SunTrust customers).  

On Friday SunTrust announced that in February an employee attempted to print out the customer data of approximately 1.5 million SunTrust customers to use on the black market. It's not believed that Social Security numbers were obtained but information like names and balances were... So, here's what's going on. If you're a SunTrust customer – regardless of if you might have been compromised – you're now eligible for free ID protection with SunTrust. SunTrust is making Experian's IDnotify available for free, for all customers.  

Here's a link to see if you've been impacted: 

Here's a link to get started with the free service: 

As I've stated many times... In my view ID theft protection is the best value for any insurance type of product today and I highly recommend using it. When it's free it's a no-brainer. Especially when you potentially have your information floating around being attempted to by used by evil doers on the dark web.  

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