No Confidence Vote For Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel

Secretary Ben Carson and Governor Rick Scott Celebrate Habitat for Humanity of Broward’s New Rick Case Habitat Community

A strong vote of No Confidence in Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel from one of the Deputies Unions.  

Of 628 who voted, 534 said they felt no confidence in the person who is supposed to be leading the agency.  

Sheriff Israel has come under fire for the way he handled the Valentine's Day shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School.  But the union says he's displayed a consistent pattern of evading leadership, blaming everyone but himself for the department's problems.  

Sheriff Israel released a statement calling the vote "inconsequential" and claiming it was aimed at "extorting a pay raise."  He also says those who voted represent a small number of the 5,400 BSO employees and that it would not distract him from his duties.  

A statement from Rick Scott says he is "absolutely disgusted the BSO deputy did not rush into the school to save these victims" and that he has called on the FDLE to conduct a full investigation and when he has all the facts, appropriate steps will be taken to hold people accountable.

Gov. Scott's Statement:

Governor Scott is aware of the police union’s vote. He believes that people must be held accountable for the reported failures in response to the school shooting in Parkland, which is why he immediately called for a full and systematic FDLE investigation into the matter. Once that investigation is complete, and we have all the facts, the appropriate steps will be taken to hold people accountable. Governor Scott is absolutely disgusted the BSO deputy did not rush into the school to save these victims.

Photo: Getty Images

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