Hysterical Headlines for May 22nd – Obamas find their home

Hysterical Headlines (Funny or Absurd) for May 22nd  Obama's find their home 

Bottom Line: Your daily doses of nonsense in the media and my takes on them... 

  • Barack and Michelle Obama Strike Unique Netflix Deal – Real Clear Life 

Excerpt: Expect to see a lot more content from Barack and Michelle Obama in your queue. 

The former president and first lady struck a deal with streaming giant Netflix, the details of which became public on Monday, CNN Money reports. The two will work both in front of and behind the camera during the multi-year deal. 

“We hope to cultivate and curate the talented, inspiring, creative voices who are able to promote greater empathy and understanding between peoples, and help them share their stories with the entire world,” Barack Obama said in a statement. 

Netflix’s unparalleled service is a natural fit for the kinds of stories we want to share, and we look forward to starting this exciting new partnership,” Michelle Obama said. 

The New York Times first reported in March that the Obamas were in talks to strike a deal with Netflix. The Times reported then that one possible show idea could include President Obama moderating “conversations on topics that dominated his presidency — health care, voting rights, immigration, foreign policy, climate change — and that have continued to divide a polarized American electorate during President Trump’s time in office.” 

In another, Michelle Obama might discuss the topics and causes she championed as First Lady, including nutrition. 

Hot Take: In one of the most predictable outcomes ever the Obamas have officially entered the entertainment realm. Much of the Obama administration was spent with top entertainers involved. Citing Vanity Fair in January of 2017: The Obamas Have Outdone Themselves with Star-Studded Parties...The First Family just threw their final celebrity bash, and it follows years of star-packed soirées. The article depicts the near countless parties thrown with top celebs during the administration. As is pointed out in the story many were "secret", so the total number isn't entirely known. Anyway, now the President officially is part of the industry he loved and catered to while he was President. As for my queue. It'd be a cold day in hell before he'd make it in there. After eight years of his administration and the worst sustained period of economic growth of any president in history (only president to never have a year of 3% economic growth with an eight-year average growth rate of 1.8%), Health care costs that skyrocketed 90% in eight years led by the Obamacare mandate and foreign policy disasters left behind in North Korea, Iran, Syria, Libya and Russia (which he said wasn't threat to our election process less than a month before the 2016 elections)… I think I'll take a pass. I've had enough of that kind of reality programming. 

Hot Take: That may or may not be true but how many times have we heard this before? I'm sure this time Corey Robin for NBC News has nailed it though. Just like they predicted that Donald Trump would be President and Republicans would hold the most elective positions nationally that they'd held since 1928. Right?  

Hot Take: And what party is this happening in?  

Until Tomorrow... 

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