Google's Doomsday AI is Here

Google is far from the first company or entity to attempt to size you up and determine when you'll die. They are the most recent and likely the most accurate. However, you need to look no further than the first life insurance agent to find someone who's literally based a business on estimating one's demise. The insurance industry averages being off by 9%-10%.   

In the technology age, you can pop online and find a non-specific estimator with the Social Security administration's calculator. 

Or the one that's most specific, Living to 100 asks 50 questions and it's reported to be the best available online for you to use. 

But, neither of those have proved to potentially be anywhere near as accurate as what Google's new Artificial Intelligence is touting. The accuracy in trials has been more than 95% accurate and can be so detailed that it provides the likelihood of a patient surviving a hospital stay. It works with a first of its kind algorithm that takes your specific vital information, medical history, chart information from your doctor(s), prescription history, etc.  

It's evident how this could be helpful when attempting to determine a course of treatment. Decision making will be more difficult and it will make your insurance agents more money. But, the possibility of having this information in the system has the clear potential of being creepy. While you consider the prospect of Google's odds of bringing this product to market, what do you think, is this a good or bad thing? 

Photo by: Toshfumi Kitamura/AFP/Getty Images

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