Part 1: Florida's voter composition. What's changed in a year? Surprise...

Part 1: Florida's voter composition. What's changed in a year? You might be surprised 

Bottom Line: Recently I shared research regarding Florida's evolving political pattern overtime. It depicted the evolution from Florida being a solid Democratic state (with over 60% of registered voters in 1980 being Democrats) to the ultimate swing state by 2000. My research ended with where we stood in during the 2016 election cycle. I received a fair amount of feedback about that story and there were several new inquires that I received. Among them where we stand with voter registration today and how the Trump Presidency has impacted voter registration in our state. With those in mind here's updated information.  

A year ago Florida's voter registration was: 

  • Democrats: 37.4% 

  • Republicans: 35.3% 

  • No Party: 26.8% 

  • Third Party: 0.5% 

And today:  

  • Democrats: 37.2% (-.2%) 

  • Republicans: 35.3% (flat) 

  • No Party: 27% (+.2%) 

  • Third Party: 0.6% (+.1) 

Looking closer at voter counts here's the breakdown: 

  • Total voters: +47,217 

  • Democrats: -8,977 

  • Republicans: +11,065 

  • No Party: +33,702 

  • Third party: +11,427 

Probably doesn't fit much of the media's narrative. The only group of voters to see a decline in our state over the past year were Democrats. Fly's in the face of the media's depiction of the Trump administration, the playing up of the radical gun control activists, etc. Once again, two sides to stories and one side to facts... 

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