Apple's health app update is a game changer

Apple's latest health technology is a game changer and many Florida hospitals are participating 

Bottom Line: I'm a fan of technology when it makes life better. Some of the best advances, and certainly important advances in technology in recent years have come in healthcare. While most healthcare technology advancements have been on the healthcare service providers end – we have had great products like smart watches (Fitbit, Apple Watch, Garmin Watches) that have enabled people to have meaningful health information not previously available. I've added 20-30 minutes of sleep per night since I began using data from my Fitbit for example. We've also had examples of Apple Watches alerting people of cardiovascular events literally saving their lives. That stuffs all good but what we're now going to have available to us is an even bigger deal.  

One of newer features that's now reaching critical mass is the Apple Health records feature. If you've ever tried to pull all of your health records together you know what a pain that can be. What's worse is when it's potentially dangerous. With the Apple Health records app, you can pull all of your health records into your app, fully integrated, in one place. That's huge for you and potentially a health service provider who's attempting to treat you. The key is that the health service provider integrates with Apple's health technology and after many new additions – many hospitals in Florida are doing's Florida's list: 

  • Adventist 

  • BayCare 

  • Better Me Healthcare 

  • Cleveland Clinic 

  • Tampa General Hospital 

If you use any of those providers or any others out of state: 

You can pull in all of your records and have them in an easy to access and easy to understand app on your Apple device. 

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