Lake Worth gets its 30 minutes

Lake Worth gets its 30 minutes  

Excerpt: Lake Worth gets its moment in the spotlight this week on PBS. 

Viewers will get at a free screening Thursday at the Cultural Council of Palm Beach County of “On the Town in The Palm Beaches,” a PBS program that explores popular tourist destinations in Palm Beach County. 

“Lake Worth is one of those hidden gems we hadn’t featured yet,” said Joyce Belloise, the show’s executive producer and vice president of Content and Community Partnerships for South Florida PBS. “We found out about the amazing arts and cultural scene and there’s really a diverse group of people who live in Lake Worth. There was an enormous amount of interesting and great content we found there.” 

The show will air Thursday at 7:3o p.m. on WPBT and on Friday at 8:30 p.m. on WXEL. 

So far “On the Town” has featured eight cities, including Jupiter, Delray Beach, Wellington, Palm Beach Gardens, Boca Raton and The Glades. 

Producers shot in about a dozen Lake Worth locations for about 2 1/2 days, including Benny’s on the Beach, the Cultural Council, the Benzaiten Center for Creative Arts, the cottages and The Lake Worth Playhouse. 

“There is such a vibrancy about this town,” Belloise said. “The people there are very passionate about the city. 

Bottom Line: I’ll take this opportunity to share how much I love Lake Worth. When I first moved down here about 13 years ago – that's not something I’d imagined I’d ever say and it certainly wasn’t a city I understood. Prior to marrying my wonderful wife Ashley, I lived across the bridge from Lake Worth in South Palm Beach. Ashley and I would ride our bikes across the bridge and through the historic districts. Eventually she convinced me that would should move.  

We found a wonderful home in the historic district and years later we’re thrilled we did. On a good weekend we never have to leave our bikes for everything from terrific casual dining to five-star experiences. The character, history, downtown and waterfront are wonderful experiences. If you’re inclined I highly recommend you watch the show and engage Lake Worth. It’s become our home and we have no intention of ever leaving.

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