Should companies, not just the USPS have access to your mailbox?

Should companies, not just the USPS have access to your mailbox? 

Bottom Line: As you’re doubtlessly aware the USPS has serious financial problems. There have been a myriad of proposed fixes including pension reform, not delivering on Saturday, closures, raising package delivery rates – especially with, higher stamp prices yet again, yada, yada. We’ve seen all of it go virtually nowhere and the problems have continued to mount. Enter the privatization concept.  

President Trump first floated the idea and it was met with a generally partisan response and has next to no real chance of happening anytime soon. That being said, a version of his concept might seriously enter the conversation soon. The USPS is considering privatizing our mailboxes.  

Right now, only you and the USPS are supposed to have access to your mailbox. The USPS is toying with the idea of essentially cutting licensing deals with private entities that’d then be able to legally access your mail box delivering stuff to it. It’s somewhat unclear what that model would mean and who’d specifically want that access. It’s also unclear who’d be allowed to buy that access as well.   

Question is do you want it?

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