The moral thing to do is to care for needy Americans

The moral thing to do is to care for needy Americans  

Excerpt: Congressional Democrats are butting heads with President Donald Trump over his demand for $5 billion to continue building a wall along the southern border. Rep. Nancy Pelosi vows not one dollar will go for a wall. She calls the idea of a wall "immoral." 

Not building the wall is what's truly immoral. Allowing destitute, uneducated people with limited job prospects to flood across the southern border into the United States forces taxpayers here to toil longer and pay more in taxes to feed and house them, accommodate their children in public schools and pay for their medical care. 

Americans are already maxed out caring for our own needy, including the homeless sprawled on city streets. 

This nation has 40 million in poverty, 1 out of every 8 people and 1 out of every 6 children. 

Bottom Line: Ding, ding, ding! Thank you, New York Post. For years – at least the last 15, I’ve spoken to this particular issue. Independent of today’s border/illegal immigrant issues I’ve questioned the foreign aid we’re constantly pumping out with next to no accountability. Last year the US paid out just over $50 billion to countries around the world. That doesn’t take into account our military presence in, are you ready for this, 150 countries around the world – effectively providing defense for them as well. What exactly do we get for all of this aid? Meanwhile here we have a country with 40 million in poverty as the story cites. Does that really make sense to anyone?  

Why would we be attempting to take care of other countries when we’re over $21 trillion in debt and have tens of millions that are still in poverty? I understand common sense isn’t common these days, but logically can that be justified? I’ll buy the rationale from Israel because they’d be wiped off the map if we didn’t have their backs but otherwise what are we doing really? Just like the billion plus we fork over to tyrants in Honduras so they can ship us ass clowns seeking to illegally enter our country or demanding $50,000 each to leave?  

The point is that we’ve got a ton of debt and plenty of Americans that’re still in need. How is it compassionate to abuse taxpayers to pay foreign governments with no accountability rather than taking care of our own first? That shouldn’t be even remotely controversial. 

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