Washington politicians are giving us exactly what we want with the shutdown

Washington politicians are giving us exactly what we want with the shutdown 

Bottom Line: Another day, another record in our ongoing partial government shutdown. Also, generally another day without seemingly any sense of urgency to negotiate by either political party either. Anytime you see standoffs like this there’s generally a reason why that may have more to do with you than it does with them standing on principal. As we’re 27 days and counting into this that probably is the case once again and here’s why (using recent research from The Pew Research Center)… 

  • Among Americans who oppose the wall only 11% are open to compromise  
  • Among Americans who support the wall only 27% are open to compromise 

So, in essence your average Trump supporter is more than twice as likely to be willing to compromise on the President’s position than the average backer of the Democrat’s opposition is willing to compromise, but that’s still not saying much.  

When only 27% of the country is willing to work with only 11% who will listen to them where does that put you? Smack dab in the middle a partial government shutdown. Often people, media, want to make this about President Trump or Congressional Democrats. Truth is this is about us. Ironically enough there’s overwhelming research demonstrating that doing nothing to compromise to end the shutdown is exactly what most of the country is asking their political leaders for right now.  

It’s kind of hard to blame politicians when they’re carrying out the wishes of their constitutes. I’ll often say that we get the government we voted for. What have we voted for? Divided government. What are we getting? Divided government. Do we want compromise? No. Any questions?

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