Florida’s first take on Governor Ron DeSantis

Florida’s first take on Governor Ron DeSantis 

Bottom Line: There’s no denying that Ron DeSantis’s first two weeks were as productive as any incoming governor in Florida’s history. A quick recap reveals... 

  • 3 Supreme Court Justices 
  • 2 Suspended/Replaced Public officials 
  • Executive action on sweeping environmental policy reform 
  • Executive action on medical marijuana policy 

And a partridge in a pear tree. Anyway, being busy/productive is one thing. Making your constituents, Floridians, happy with those decisions is potentially another. In Ron’s case however, the initial news is good news for our new governor.  

In the first round of approval/favorability ratings to be produced since he took office – it's clear that he’s on the right track. According to Maxon-Dixon's most recent polling Governor DeSantis has a net favorability rating of +31%. By comparison on Election Day his approval rating was +5%. That’s an incredible two-week performance! Most notably only 17% of Floridians view DeSantis unfavorably. That’s half of what it was on Election Day. That’s a pretty remarkable start in a state as politically diverse as Florida following a super-close election win for Ron. Also, of note – he's now the most approved of politician who’s won statewide office. Here’s are the other net ratings: 

  • Rubio: +21% 
  • Scott:  +4% 
  • Trump: -3% 

Clearly DeSantis has already carved his own identity from President Trump as he sports a 34% higher favorability rating statewide.

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