Want a generator but not the upfront cost? FPL has a new plan for that...

Want a generator but not the upfront cost? FPL has a new plan for that...

Excerpt: Florida Power & Light has proposed a three-year pilot program in which it would offer to install and maintain backup power generators for customers.

The proposal, filed Thursday with the Florida Public Service Commission, would be voluntary for customers, who would pay monthly fees to FPL if they choose to participate.

FPL, which provides power to half the state, would own the generators, and the monthly charges would vary depending on the customers.

Bottom Line: Recently FPL rolled out the next phase of their “Solar Together” plan. The bottom line is that you’d pay more upfront to be able to move 100% to solar power overtime and would be able to receive tax breaks/credits for the solar power in the process. The idea was/is that FPL owns the solar panels and we’re spared the upfront cost and maintenance for the monthly fee. This new generator program is a different version of the exact same thing. It probably will make a lot of sense for individual homes in addition to businesses. How perfect is this to solve the nursing home generator crisis for example? 

There are two challenges with individuals obtaining generators on their own. First, the upfront cost that can be prohibitive. Second, maintenance of the generators. The maintenance of generators is often a huge problem as often you might go years without really needing to use the generators and can forget to continue to perform maintenance or simply to be unaware of what needs to happen. State estimates have shown failure rates for generators of approximately 25% when they’re needed for an extended period of time(a la a hurricane). 

With FPL taking ownership you’d imagine they’d also take responsibility for the maintenance as well. It’s somewhat unclear what the cost will look like at this point for the average home but if reasonable, probably is a great idea for businesses and individuals alike.

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