SunPass not getting a pass for botched billing 

SunPass not getting a pass for botched billing 

Bottom Line: The SunPass mess that started last summer is the unwanted gift that keeps on giving. Keep an eye on your account right now, according to SunPass around 3 million Floridians are getting invoices going back to when the debacle with billing began last June. Errors are still being reported in the theoretically “corrected” billing but then again, what are the odds you can remember the details of what you did or didn’t drive seven months ago? 

The company that’s responsible, Conduent, has been fined $800,000 by the state and isn’t being paid for services while they try to sort all of this out in the meantime there’s another detail to keep an eye on. In the Conduent contract there’s a clause that the state could trigger that would result in Conduent, not you, being responsible for uncollected tolls in excess of 120 days. If the state were to do that, the estimates are the Conduent could be on the hook for upwards of $120 million in tolls. A quick check of their balance sheet shows $586 million in cash currently accessible at the company, so it’s a fine they could afford to pay if the state mandates that they do so. 

It’s something I’m sure drivers caught in the middle of this would like to see happen for multiple reasons. I’ll keep an eye on it and report back. In the meantime, keep an eye on your SunPass account and any financial account that’s linked to it to insure the billing at least resembles something that could be correct.

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