Q&A of the Day –Medical marijuana and gun ownership in Florida
It’s the Q&A of the day. Each day I’ll feature a listener question that’s been submitted by one of these methods.
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Today’s question was submitted by Cathy...
Another twist on this topic is that it's possible they start messing with people's 2nd amendment rights if they have one of these cards. I know that at this moment it isn't an issue but I did pose it to a police officer. He at first said no and then he remembered an article he read that said they just may be going in that direction. Any restriction on liberty concerns me.
Thanks for all you do, with your help we got rid of Susan Bucher.
Bottom Line: Amen on Bucher. I’m glad to be in a position to break it and down and tell the truth. Regarding the concerns on the issue of gun ownership and medical marijuana... There isn’t currently anything that connects one to the other but regarding your concern that eventually there could be...
Florida attorney and state Rep. Cord Byrd cited this concern two years ago. Quoting him he said they think I have a constitutional right in Florida to use medical marijuana. I have my state-issued card and they’re not thinking about the Second Amendment implications.
You can take it or leave it but when you consider the source, a gun owning attorney in our state government... It does make you think. Here’s the most important point he made.The use or possession of marijuana remains unlawful under federal law, regardless of whether it has been legalized or decriminalized for medicinal or recreational purposes in the state where you reside
And that takes us to the view of the possible. Is it likely that the federal government will take action against you for illegal activity related to medical marijuana in Florida? No. Is it possible? Yes. If it happened and you had a criminal record could it impair your right to own firearms? Yes. There’s also a secondary consideration that could come into play.
As we’re moving down the path of evaluating mental health issues and restricting rights on ownership based on the perceived state of one’s mental health, you might conceive of a day in which someone who’s participating in medical marijuana would be deemed unfit by a state or federal government to purchase or possess. Once again. Hypothetical for now, but entirely conceivable in the future.