Fact checking the Fact Checkers – How often they lie about President Trump

Fact checking the Fact Checkers – How often they lie about President Trump

Bottom Line: It’s a topic and question that comes up quite a bit these days. Who’s fact checking the fact checkers? The fact checking industry has largely become viewed as a partisan way to attempt to seem non-partisan. But is that fair? Are the fact-checkers really that biased? The answer at least at one of the most prolific and frequently cited organizations, the Washington Post, is yes. And specific to the question as to how often WAPO fact checkers lie – 27% of the time. This according to a study conducted by CBS’s MarketWatch service of the Washington Post’s fact checkers. 

The study focused on the Washington Post’s “fact-checking” of President Trump. They reviewed a series of topics that could clearly be proven. They looked at instances the WAPO said President Trump was being untruthful. More than a quarter of the time the Washington Post fact checkers were demonstrably wrong in their condemnation of President Trump. In fact, here are very recent examples illustrating how blatantly bogus the fact checkers are at the Washington Post:


Trump comment

Washington Post explanation

MarketWatch explanation


“We have cut 30,000 pages of job killing regulations from the Federal Register. That’san all-time record. It’s never happened before.”

This is a nonsense statistic, as counting pages tells you next to nothing about the impact of a regulation.

Perhaps “nonsense” but it appears to be accurate.


“In my first 100 days in office, I traveled to this very state to sign an executive order declaring that we will live by two simple rules: buy American and hire American right here in Wisconsin.

Trump says his administration believes in “buy American, hire American.” But Trump has a long history of outsourcing a variety of his own products.

He did sign the order, and the fact Trump’s personal track record doesn’t live up to that is irrelevant. 


“These newly employed citizens are joining 5.5 million more workers who have found jobs since the election.”

Trump often inflates the number of jobs created under his presidency by counting from Election Day, rather than when he took the oath of office. There have been about 4.9 million jobs created since January 2017, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. 

Trump literally said, “since the election.”

“Since we passed our historic tax cuts and reforms just over one year ago, wages are rising fast, and they’re rising most quickly for the lowest-income Americans.”

Wages grew at an annual rate of 3.2% in December, but wage growth was consistently higher before 2009. Still, Goldman Sachs found that for the first during an economic recovery that began in mid-2009 that the bottom half of earners are benefiting more than the top half. Whether that can be attributed to the tax cut is unclear.

Not only are wages growing the fastest since the recession,they are fastest for lower-income workers. The cause-and-effect of tax cuts and wage growth is unclear but not definitely wrong.

You can clearly see how far the left, aka, MSM fact-checkers, will go to attempt to harm the President and his track record. As President Trump would say... The fact-checkers are fake news.

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