Q&A of the Day – South Florida code violations revisited

Q&A of the Day – South Florida code violations revisited

Each day I’ll feature a listener question that’s been submitted by one of these methods. 

Email: brianmudd@iheartmedia.com

Twitter: @brianmuddradio

Facebook: Brian Mudd https://www.facebook.com/brian.mudd1

Today’s entry... 

Hello Brian, I have a modest income, my home is paid for, my home’s structure and landscaping is impeccable. I feel that as a Citizen and a taxpayer in Miami Dade County that in some small way when the Jones’s or the Garcia’s put their homes on the market to sell, I in some why help sell their property. Now having said that, it’s not always true. What if Mr. Don’t Care or Mrs. I Don’t Give a... let their home and or property look like Third World? I don’t want to legally get involved and fight wasting my time, effort and my modest income. They bought their homes to live in, they choose my neighborhood, they want to be visible, to reflect positively in appearance. 

As a Taxpayer and believe you me, if we don’t pay up, guess who will be knocking for Mr. and Mrs. Doe Ray Me. Now, what can M D County do to get unsightly property’s in my neighborhood fixed up, blue tarps off the roof, unsightly mildew, houses painted, gates fixed, yards and bushes cut and trimmed? Or is this a dead nonmoving forward situation that we must live with? 

Bottom Line: Since introducing this topic over a month ago I’ve received notes from across South Florida. Many have cited abuse by code enforcement in their communities and others, like this note are wondering why more hasn’t been done. In this case of your situation, you might have recourse without having to pursue legal action or spend any money. Miami-Dade, as all local governments in the South Florida, allow for residents to notify officials of potential violations. In the case of residential maintenance code violations this is the standard in your community: 

  • The growth or accumulation of grass, weeds or undergrowth that exceeds a height of 12 inches from the ground or more than 10% of the area to be maintained.
  • The accumulation of litter, junk, trash, solid waste, or abandoned property.

In the case of homes that may not be safe, that you describe with the prolonged tarps and mildew, you may notify the “Unsafe Structures Board”. There are also mandates that pertain to vacant properties etc. In other words, and it’s a judgement call on your part, but you do have recourse by notifying local code enforcement officials. It’s a balance, it’s part of being a community. Some are better contributing members of them than others for sure. I think the Golden Rule applies to this one. 

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