Tampa House Democrat Goes After Business in Her Own District

TAMPA -- A Tampa-based business that serves the health insurance industry is under fire by its hometown congresswoman.

Democrat Kathy Castor claims Health Insurance Innovations helps insurance companies sell "junk" insurance. She blames the Trump administration for allowing "short term" insurance plans, calling that move part of a plan to "sabotage" the Affordable Care Act. Castor has introduced a bill to ban those plans. She held a news conference with members of community organizing group Organize Florida outside the company's North Tampa offices.

The company says it only acts as a platform for insurance sellers, offering an alternative for people who can't afford rising premiums under the Affordable Care Act. Here's the full statement from Health Insurance Innovations, provided through a spokesperson:

Health Insurance Innovations (HIIQ) agrees with Representative Castor that all Americans should have access to affordable high quality healthcare.  HII is a technology provider, not an insurance company. Ourcloud-based technology platform helps consumers compare and contrast an array of insurance plans, including short term medical (STM) plans and ACA health plans.

Many Americans cannot afford to purchase an ACA plan. ACA premiums have more than doubled since the regulations were first implemented and this upward trend is expected to continue for the foreseeable future. STM plans offer people under the age of 65 healthcare coverage for unexpected accidents or illnesses for fixed durations. These plans are not intended to serve as an alternative to long-term medical insurance, but rather as a valuable option for individuals seeking to bridge a gap in insurance coverage.

Photo Credit: Getty Images

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