2020 Update - We'll vote but we're not going to donate to campaigns

2020 Update - We’ll vote but we’re not going to donate to political campaigns

Bottom Line: Now that we’re into the 2020 cycle there’s no shortage of information being studied by campaigns. One that’s already been important to 2020 Democrats has been the ability to fund raise. It was one of the mandates to reach the debate stage in Miami last week. That pressure will only grow as debate requirements will grow stronger and the need for cash to run a viable campaign becomes greater. The question is where will candidates turn for money? 

According to the Invest In You Survey most of us are planning to vote next year but we’re not interested in donating to political campaigns. By the numbers...

  • 8% - the number of adults who’ve donated to a campaign so far
  • 19% - the number of additional adults who say they’ll consider donating to any campaigns
  • 12% - the number that donated to a campaign in 2016

That leaves 100% of candidates competing for, at most, the money of 27% of Americans and if history holds, a number that’s likely well below that figure. Many who say they’re open to donating to a campaign never will. For Republican donors their choice is easier. For Democrats however, we’re going to quickly see campaigns struggle to raise the donors and the money to stay in the game. To give you an idea, out of the 17 Republican Presidential candidates in 2016, only 11 made it to Iowa. More than a third ran out of money and thus motivation prior to votes ever being cast. With 24 candidates in the race, 20 in the first debates, it’s certain history will repeat itself for Democrats in this cycle. The battle will be on for donors and rest assured that if you’ve donated before, your phone and your mailbox will be lit up like never before. 

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