Food’s changing because diets are too
Bottom Line: Times have changed a lot in ten years. So has food. Grocery stores and the foods that line them have rapidly been turning over during that time. I still remember Ashley finally being diagnosed with Celiac disease (after decades of dosing with drugs to deal with symptoms) and the somewhat painful trips to the grocery store. That’s because aside from the obvious foods, label reading was required...for everything. It was during this time that we decided that if we couldn’t pronounce an ingredient, we wouldn’t buy the product. Anyway, over the next couple of years the process became easier and not just because we could identify the specific foods to buy over again. The fad gluten-free diet craze began.
At first Ashley was frustrated because when she had questions at a store,or a restaurant people didn’t always treat it seriously – not realizing that for her it wasn’t a choice. Before long it proved to be a godsend. Fad or no fad, gluten free foods became the norm, products that’d never contained gluten – like sugar – (that still cracks us up) even received labels. It’s made life a lot easier. But here’s the thing. It’s not just gluten free diets, it’s some kind of a diet. According to OnePoll 57% of Millennials adhere to some type, of a generally self-imposed, diet. That's what’s driving the transformations beyond just Whole Foods. The top reasons cited for the dietary choices...
#1: To be healthier
#2: Better for the environment
#3: Ethics
Notice that weight loss specifically isn’t a top three reason. So, there you have it... That’s what’s transforming your grocery shopping experience.