Weekly political update – Where news & perceptions meet reality
Bottom Line: This is your weekly reality check. What's really going on with public opinion of the president and our view of the direction of the country? Here it is...
- Trump's lowest rating: 37% approval (8/4/17)
- Trump highest approval rating: 45% approval (6/7/19)
- Trump's current rating: 45% approval
Well surprise, surprise. It’s been a couple of weeks since I’ve updated this entry due to Dorian coverage and what’s happened? President Trump’s average polling has advanced two points to essentially tie his highest average approval rating of his administration. Now candidly I’ve not been immersed in the daily nonsense out of Washington due to Dorian but from what I’ve seen the noise from President Trump’s detractors is as loud as ever. With a bit of additional perspective that might be the beginning of desperation with the reality that the economy really isn’t in recession – no matter how hard the media lies...I mean tries...to suggest it’s so. But also, perhaps that President Trump is reasonably well positioned for re-election, including the historical benefits of incumbency, while the Democrats have front-runners in Biden who’s already unsuccessfully run for President twice, Sanders who’s unsuccessfully run once and Elisabeth Warren who’s best known for being a fake Native American.
I mean, I get it. It doesn’t make the lies and nonsense by leftists acceptable but if you were riding into battle with those three – you'd probably feel a little desperate too. But here’s the thing. It gets back to something I’ve talked about for years. You can lie to people about issues and what may or may not happen based on policy outcomes, and they might believe you for a while until they discover the truth...but you can’t successfully lie about a job someone has or what is or isn’t in their wallet. We have near record low unemployment, record high wages and unprecedented opportunities in the workforce right now. People get it. Yes, there’s a lot of turbulence to President Trump’s foreign policy approach but he ran on putting America first, and unlike most politicians who say stuff to get elected and then cave once they do – he's fighting for what he ran on and believes. This while the Democratic challengers seemingly attempt to reinvent themselves daily to pander to perceived primary supporters.
It’s been the case throughout his term thus far, that the more informed and engaged someone is politically, the more likely they are to approve of President Trump. That remains the case once again this week.
- Adult only samples averaged: N/A
- Registered voters: 45%
- Likely voters: 46%
What you never hear reported are the ratings of the Democratic leaders opposing him. Let’s just say they’d need a huge push of support to simply catch President Trump’s approval ratings. Here’s the latest...
- Pelosi: 34%
- Schumer: 26%
Pelosi trails President Trump’s approval by eleven points and Schumer by 19. These are new lows for both of them in the current Congress.
Looking at the direction of the country this week...
Where we stood on Inauguration Day:
- Right Direction: 30%
- Right Direction: 37%
Overall, we’re 7% collectively more optimistic than we were during the Obama administration.