We’ve been sold out by Florida’s DMV

We’ve been sold out by Florida’s DMV

Bottom Line: Among the many things you probably wouldn’t be counting on happening at the DMV, would be for you to become a monetization tool. It’s about the last thing I think we’d logically anticipate happening when we’d obtain our license and register our vehicles. But guess what... Many of those targeted mailers you receive that seem to know your vehicle info, your personal info and potentially a couple of things you’d forgotten along the way. It’s not by chance. It’s by payment. From 3rd parties to the Florida DMV buying your info. 

According to research from VICE several states have sold personal information from DMV’s with Florida being one of them. Most recently they found that Florida made $77 million in 2017 selling our information. And what information do they sell? 

  • addresses, dates of birth, names, phone numbers, vehicle information

This information is used by everyone from warranty and insurance companies to private investigators. Seem a little creepy? I think so too. Seem like a potential violation of public trust? Yeah, I’m with you too. I’m sure there’s some fine print we’ve all ignored allowing this,but it doesn’t quite seem right. State session’s coming up in January...perhaps this is one I should tee up.

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