Palm Springs Village Leaders Hope For Creation Of 2 CRA'S

Palm Beach County leaders will meet for a second time on Monday to discuss and possibly vote on a request from the Village of Palm Springs.

Police Chief Tom Ceccarelli tells us that he and the Village manager are requesting the creation of Community Redevelopment Agencies for two areas.

One is Congress Avenue, near Southern Boulevard, where the funding would be used to better maintain the roadway.

The other is Lake Worth Road, from Military Trail east to just past Congress.

"What we really want to do as far as Lake Worth Road...the problem we're having there is traffic fatalities. This is where it really ties into the police department. In the last six years, we've had 24 fatalities on that road."

The chief says 10 of those were pedestrians who died and three were bicyclists.

A CRA in that area could result in the addition of officers in Palm Springs to help with public safety.

The county met last month but decided against a vote at that time.

Image: Village of Palm Springs

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