Q&A of the Day – About the G7 not coming to Doral & Presidential enrichment

Q&A of the Day – About the G7 not coming to Doral & Presidential enrichment

Each day I’ll feature a listener question that’s been submitted by one of these methods. 

Email: brianmudd@iheartmedia.com

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Today’s entry... 

I wish you would discuss both sides of the issue. Not profiting. If there is a business and they get to have an event even with no profit. The place of business will profit just from the immeasurable marketing for that business. I thought we were emptying the SWAMP.

It opens up a path that we should not go down on the political scope. Let’s keep politics and personal business separate. I want to see the 11 other choices that where on the list I’m sure they can come up with something without a politician's name or connection with it.

Bottom Line: This whole debate over holding the G7 at Trump National in Doral reminded me of covering the G8 just outside of Savannah at Sea Island in 2004. To the extent there were complaints and protesters, they were focused on political issues, like the war in Iraq. Not once do I recall concerns over the resort profiting off of the hosting of the event, nor the residual value of the marketing for the resort and area generally. Which was especially significant because Sea Island wasn’t an international destination prior to the hosting of the G8. 

I’ve been supportive of the idea of hosting the G7 at Trump National in Doral for two very selfish reasons. First, having the event hosted at cost saves taxpayer's money. I wish we employed this philosophy in all aspects of government. Second, I want the marketing attention for Doral and South Florida. I want all the possible economic benefit for South Florida. It’s confounding to me that anyone who lives here wouldn’t. But then again people routinely vote against their economic interests because we’re a country full of financially illiterate people, which is a whole other issue. But about your point of keeping a politician’s business interests separate from politics. It’s not possible. I’ll explain. 

First, it should be noted that President Trump doesn’t own Trump National Doral. The Trump Organization does. So yes, there’s a connection as it’s the business he founded, but no – profits from the resort don’t go into Donald Trump’s pocket. Second, here’s the impact of Presidential politics in the lives of our recent presidential families starting with the Clinton's. 

Bill and Hillary Clinton’s net worth when Bill became president was $700,000 in 1992. Today their estimated net worth is $242 million. That’s 345 times more money than prior to the presidency. Then there’s the Bush family. 

George and Laura Bush were worth an estimated $11.1 million when he became president. Today they’re worth $39.5 million. That’s an increase of 3.6 times more money. As for the Obama’s...

Barack and Michelle Obama’s estimated net worth was $1.3 million prior to becoming president. Today their estimated net worth stands at $40 million. That’s nearly 31 times more money than prior to becoming president. So, what about the Trump family? We’ll take look in the second part of today’s Q&A.

Here's the link for part two: https://wjno.iheart.com/featured/brian-mudd/content/2019-10-23-about-the-g7-not-coming-to-doral-presidential-enrichment-part-2/

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