Beto’s gone bye, bye but millions of Americans do want to grab your guns

Beto’s gone bye, bye but millions of Americans do want to grab your guns

Bottom Line: It was probably Beto’s last 15 minutes of fame. The hell yes, we’re going to take your AR-15 and AK-47 line. Far more dramatic and hard hitting than say his other efforts to stand out in live streamed dental visits and the like. Anyway, Robert Francis O’Rourke and the $14 million burned up during his campaign are gone. The idea of gun confiscation is not. You might have realized it at the time, maybe not, but the audience at the debate ate up the line and line of thinking behind it. In fact, I’ve seen plenty of evidence within gun control efforts right here in South Florida. 

Many who supported the reforms in the Stoneman Douglas Act passing sweeping reforms throughout Florida almost immediately began to press for far more extensive gun control reforms. Listening to many of the activists you wouldn’t know that any changes took place in our state. It’s one of my great frustrations in this debate. The lack of intellectual honesty. The truth is there are many gun control activists in South Florida or across the country that’d confiscate every legally owned gun there is given the opportunity but won’t tell you the truth in conversation. Instead, in a true Rules for Radicals approach, they’ll simply talk about whatever they feel the next “sensible gun safety” measure happens to be. But here’s the truth tens of millions really want your guns. Gallup just revealed as much. 

In the latest study of gun control they found the following...

  • 64% want additional gun control measures nationally
  • 29% think there should be a ban on gun ownership

That’s right, nearly a third of adults including nearly half, 44% of Democrats want to take your guns. And not just your AR-15 and AK-47. Now clearly you don’t hear that conversation so openly taking place. There’s a reason for it. But you might imagine that if nearly half of Democrats are of that mindset, the activists pushing for the latest gun control measures of the day are likely to be among the more likely to fit that mindset to eradicate the 2nd Amendment. That’s why they wouldn’t be happy with whatever reforms Florida or the country passes. They don’t want reforms. Nearly half of Democrats want to eradicate the 2nd Amendment. 

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