Talking Healthcare & Politics With President Of Tallahassee Think Tank

The public Trump impeachment hearings are sure to be a topic of conversation Wednesday when the Palm Beach Republican Club hosts the President and CEO of the Tallahassee-based conservative think tank, the James Madison Institute.

"We're also going to be talking about some of the things we see happening at the national level."

Dr. Robert McClure's group has worked with the Trump administration on several initiatives. He also works with Gov. DeSantis and the Florida Legislature on things like healthcare and an effort to bring transparency.

"It (the cost of medical services) varies so much from Palm Beach to Lakeland, and Lakeland to Orlando. Consumers need to know 'how much does this cost?' I think it's a great initiative by the governor."

McClure says patients have very little information on what a non-emergency medical procedure will cost before they sign on for that procedure and it only got worse with Obamacare.

"It is amazing how the medical community cannot tell you what a flu shot costs. They cannot tell you what it costs to get a mole removed, because there are so many layers of bureaucracy."

The non-profit has been working with the governor on initiatives regarding healthcare, as well as education and criminal justice reform.

Dr. McClure will be honored during a VIP Reception at The Colony Hotel in Palm Beach on Wednesday.

The event, hosted by the Palm Beach Republican Club, will also feature a keynote speech by McClure.

Click Here for ticket information.

McClure will also be holding a private breakfast at the Chesterfield Hotel in Palm Beach on Thursday morning. He says it's open to select friends and supporters of the James Madison Institute.

Image: James Madison Institute

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