Voter Fraud in Palm Beach County- Part 1

Voter Fraud in Palm Beach County- Part 1

Bottom Line: Palm Beach County, we have a problem.Actually, we’ve had a problem and the extent of the issue is just now being fully realized. One of the priorities of the incoming Supervisors of Elections in Broward and Palm Beach Counties was to bring transparency and credibility back to the respective offices in two of the four largest counties in the state. Two with a long history of credibility issues. As part of the cleaning house taking place, it’s been a priority this year to ensure the credibility of those on voter rolls. Though met with resistance by left-leaning groups (why would credible voter rolls be a partisan thing), it’s been proceeding throughout this year. In Palm Beach County it’s clear there’s plenty of work still to be done. 

According to a study of Palm Beach County voter rolls by the Public Interest Legal Foundation, 2.5% of registered voters in Palm Beach County aren’t legitimate. That’s right. 2.5%, or 24,000 registered voters. Most commonly the issue is active registrations in multiple states. While duplicate registration isn’t inherently a sign of fraud, as many states are lax about cleaning voter rolls after relocation's, there is something highly questionable about the states involved. The top three are New York, Pennsylvania and Rhode Island. New York and Pennsylvania are logical locations if these are honest errors (though it doesn’t make them any more acceptable), however Rhode Island certainty doesn’t. 

Palm Beach County’s population is 40% greater than the entire state of Rhode Island. To have a concentration of anything from that state is a huge red flag – especially when we’re talking about duplicate voter registrations. And this is the warm up act for the verified voter fraud that’s actually taken place. The study found a minimum of hundreds of provable cases of voter fraud successfully executed in the 2016 and 2018 election cycles. You’d think this would be big news in this state, wouldn’t you? Or at least in Palm Beach County? Where exactly is the local news media’s coverage of provable voter fraud in Palm Beach County? In part two I’ll break down the fraud uncovered. 

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