Pres. Trump Stays In Palm Beach Through Thanksgiving Weekend

President Trump and the first family are hanging around Florida after his rally Tuesday night.

The president and First Lady Melania are now official residents of Florida, and Thanksgiving will be held at their Palm Beach estate for as many years as he has been president.

President Trump arrived aboard Marine One after his packed rally in Sunrise and is expected to stay in town until Sunday.

His plans have not been announced, but if this visit is anything like the president's last Turkey Day in Florida, he'll have some turkey, get some work done, as well as some golf during the first visit of the season.

Over the past two Thanksgivings in Palm Beach, Trump has phoned troops overseas and brought sandwiches to members of the Coast Guard.

He's expected to return several times before the weather warms up in DC.

In fact, the president is scheduled to be back in Florida next Saturday, December 7th. He'll be speaking at the Israeli-American Council's summit and at the Florida Republican Party's Statesmen's Dinner.

Both events are in South Florida.

According to documents filed recently, Mar-a-Lago will become the President and Melania Trump's permanent home once he's out of office.

Photo: Getty Images

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