Q&A - Why some South Florida substitute teachers earn more than others

Q&A of the Day – Why some South Florida substitute teachers earn more than others

Each day I’ll feature a listener question that’s been submitted by one of these methods. 

Email: brianmudd@iheartmedia.com

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Today’s entry: I am a retired teacher with over 30 years’ experience who makes $11.27 substituting in the Broward County School district. I do not know how you calculated the hourly rate to be higher. It is really a disgrace since I put the same energy and expertise into subbing as I did when I taught full time.

Bottom Line: This topic, which I first addressed in early October, has continued to be one I regularly receive feedback and questions about. I’ve come to realize that the lack of attention on the issue of substitute teacher pay has left virtually all subs on an island by themselves. The near annual debates about teacher pay generally exclude conversations about substitute teacher pay and under Florida law the onus falls to each school district. Here’s a recap of the pay range subs in the tri-county area:

  • Broward: $11.27-$15.49 
  • Miami-Dade: $11.16-$17.46 
  • Palm Beach: $11.33-$16.91

The rate is based on various factors in each county. They include level of completed education, experience, complexity of the class/material being taught. That’s where your question comes into play. In the previous stories I indicated that the median rate for Broward’s subs is $13.38. That’s what’s being called into question. 

In Broward there are four different substitute teacher pay schedules:

  • Regular Substitute Teachers: $11.27 per hour
  • Pool Substitute Teacher: $12.67 per hour
  • Interim Substitute Teacher: $27.21 per hour
  • Higher Rate Locations (Special needs teachers): $14.08 or $15.49 based on degree status

So, for example, if you’re a regular substitute teacher you earn $11.27 per hour regardless of education level or experience to your point. If you’re in any of the other roles it clearly differs. This is some what similar to what happens in Miami-Dade and Palm Beach Counties as well. I do have an update over a couple of months ago. While Palm Beach County’s School District has been unresponsive to questions about addressing substitute teacher pay, Broward school board member Lori Alhadef has taken up the issue and is reviewing for potential increases. She’d mentioned the topic hadn’t been addressed in several years based on her initial findings. I’ll keep you posted. In the meantime, this issue is a reminder about the need for engagement with local school boards. The reason it likely hasn’t been addressed in years, is because they haven’t been made to address it by an engaged public. In my view, babysitters responsible for dozens of students at a time should be paid more than $11 per hour, let alone someone educating them. 

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